September 13, 2024

In Return

          What can you give in return for your life?

                         —Mark 8.37

In our money-made world
we understand transaction.
We're ready to make a deal.
What then do we do
with an incommensurate, unanswerable gift?
What can you give in return for your life?
Only your life,
full of what only you can put into it.

Yet think of what we exchange for life.
The way we trade in real life
for the feeling of being liked,
or right, or safe, or worthy.
It's a cheap imitation. Don't buy it.

Receive the gift,
cherish it—
and give it away.
It will be given again to you,
newer, brighter, a good measure,
pressed down, shaken together, running over,
over and over.


Steve Garnass-Holmes, September 13, 2024

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